Quiet periods on the blog usually mean the inverse is true for Valley Press, and this week has been no exception! In fact I hardly know where to start. I feel bullet points might help.
- This week, the 2000th Valley Press book was sold, which has me most pleased! Of course, the big publishing houses are disappointed if they sell less than 2000 copies of one book, but we all have to start somewhere. In fact more than 100 books have been sold this week, through all sorts of avenues... thanks to anyone reading this who bought one, it's much appreciated. The great thing about the grand sales total is that it can only go in one direction! (So, yeah... no refunds.)

- This week has seen the release of our latest publication, Steve Rudd's Pulse, which you can read all about here. The book is being launched in Driffield, East Yorkshire, this Friday (5th), so if you happen to be in town do come along and see it. Running to 312 pages, Pulse is the longest and most elaborate book published by VP so far, and it's also the first one which I've attempted to sell directly to the public through the VP website - I'm delighted with how that's gone so far. There's a few blog posts upcoming on the subject of Pulse, so stay tuned...

- There have been a couple of VP events this week. With some help from Felix Hodcroft and Catherine Boddy, I read the entirety of The Dead Snail Diaries in Scarborough Library, and I was delighted by how it went. Perhaps the most ingenious idea - inspired by my inability to find a cheap projector for hire - was me re-creating the book's illustrations on a flip-chart, in the midst of the performance, in a style that some have compared to Rolf Harris (though this is probably an insult to poor Rolf.) I had a great night anyway, thanks to everyone who turned up! VP was also present at the 'Coastival Picnic', organised by one of Scarborough's foremost arts organisations - I was pleased to note the picnic took place behind 'Woodend', so actually in the valley which Valley Press is named after. A photo of Valley in the valley can be seen above; as well as books I offered a poetry competition, where you had to re-write a classic poem to be on the subject of picnics. A lot of fun (particularly when an assistant arrived with two bottles of wine). Roll on next year's picnic!

- I can announce two events are upcoming in the near future. Both on the 13th August, in fact! There will be a VP book signing in the Scarborough branch of Waterstone's, featuring myself, Helen Burke, Jo Reed, and Steve Rudd - something (or perhaps someone) for everyone. It will be between the hours of 1pm and 4pm, you can see a nice poster I made for it to your right. Later that night, me and Steve will be appearing at Bridlington's Spotlight Theatre as part of a 'revue' of the local arts organisations. Apparently this event has been sold out, so it's a case of either you already know about it and are going, or you don't so you can't! I guess we'll see you there, if the first case is true.
- Our call for short-story submissions is now closed. Thanks to everyone who sent in stuff - I'm sure Dan Formby (editor) is surrounded by them as we speak, sweating over what can and can't go in. Look out for more news on that soon, especially if you submitted something.

- Finally, you may have noticed a new book on the homepage... the next Valley Press publication will be The Border by Miles Cain, another first full-length collection by an exciting Yorkshire-based poet, by far my favourite sort of book! Check out the cover, featuring a stunning photograph by John Illingworth, to your right. Also coming up this Autumn (and in the exact same genre) are Love Letters & Children's Drawings by Hull poet Norah Hanson (who is in the process of planning three launch events!) and Phobia by Leeds-based poet (until recently) Jo Brandon, who I believe is still recovering from a move to London, where she's destined to hit the big time in short order. Look out for lots more on those three in the months to come, and also news of a Leeds Writer's Circle anthology which I am due to start working on tomorrow. Assuming this next week is a bit quieter!
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